Saturday, July 12, 2014

Grandmother Queen

Hi!!!!! I'm just going to blog about this while I'm still in the mood because this needs to be archived in my internet space:

1. I have a new tattoo! There's personal relevance in getting a crown, and brownie points for you if you manage to figure out what it is. I believe I've wanted to get a tattoo in that specific spot since I was still in college, and toyed with the idea of a crown tattoo for almost as long. I even considered getting a Kingdom Hearts crown logo outline as my tattoo design, and came very close to sticking with that idea, but I decided against it in case the fandom does something that might... ruin my perception of the franchise in the future. I'll keep my distance from fandom tats as much as possible, despite KH being my number one fandom, but hey, my opinion might change again in the future.

Look at all that detail!
I wanna say that this tat didn't hurt as much, but it's hard to compare when my last tattoo was from 2012. Still, I do think the artist's hand wasn't very heavy and despite not having that needle pain on my skin for two years, it was pretty pleasant. (I also wanna say that maybe I might've grown accustomed to the feeling after all these years, but w h o k n o w s .........)

I was supposed to get another, smaller tattoo today, as well as retouch some of my colored tats, but my artist and I agreed on a resched instead. I'm really, absolutely smitten with the final product of my crown though! Hit me with a message or email or something and I can hook you up, if you're interested.

2. I have gray hair again! (That sounds kinda weird to say...) This one was a bit spontaneous. I was just accompanying my mom to the salon for her haircut but then she and our stylist suggested I color my hair while I was there. I told my mom some time back that I wanted white streaks or smthn with my black hair, though it was to be reserved for the farther future. I ended up getting my hair did anyway and I really love it! I only hope that it lasts much longer than the time I was ash blonde.

That's all. Just a quick life update on what happened today!

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